It has always been interesting to watch new products come about in the fountain industry, many of which are claimed to be new. In actuality, most things we do today in the way of fountain design have been done before and only forgotten. Projection water screens are one such product that was introduced way before […]
How fountains get designed and built
In the fountain industry, there are a number of different ways that fountains get designed and installed. In almost all cases, the desire to have a fountain on a project has already been decided, and sometimes a budget – often arbitrarily – has been established. There is usually an architect or a landscape architect involved […]
Waterproofing for Water Features 101
As fountain consultants, we are often asked about waterproofing fountain basins. While we (and most landscape architects) are not able to specify waterproofing due to insurance requirements, there are a number of things to consider when you have to waterproof a fountain basin and all of the piping entering and exiting the structure. The first […]
What every fountain needs… No Matter What!
So, you are going to include a water feature in your project…. When you get a project that has a fountain in it, soon or later you will get asked by the engineers what you will need in the way of utilities. The list is very simple, but the implications of what you choose can […]
The First Fountain Consultants
Years ago, I was contacted by a client in New Orleans to look at renovating a historic fountain in West End Park on Lake Pontchartrain. The fountain was built in 1915 by Frederic Darlington and to my knowledge is only one of two still in existence in its original form. I had crossed paths with […]