Waterline Presentation
Presentation: “The Details Of Design”
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- A. Zahner Company
- Allen Architectural Metals
- Bison Deck Supports
- Reynolds Polymer
- Rigidized Metals Corporation
- Saint-Gobain Glass
- Sigma Metals
- Wagner Company
Engineering Reference
- Aquarium System Design
- BHR Group
- Energy Equation for Fluid Flow
- Flows Of Fluids
- Fluid Flow and Pressure Loss
- Linda Hall Library of Science, Engineering, and Technology
- Omni-Wrist III
- Online Friction Piping Loss
- Online Liquid Friction Loss for any Pipe Size
- Blue Water Fountains
- Henri Studio
- Cantera Especial
- Floating Granite
- Florentine Craftsmen Inc.
- Richard Kaleh and Associates
- Kenneth Lynch and Sons
- Maine Millstones
- Nichols Bros. Stoneworks
- Robinson Iron
- Stone Forest
- Triton UK
- Caltite
- Firestone Liners
- Grace Construction Products
- Hycrete
- Kryton
- Link-Seal
- Liquid Boot
- Neogard
- Sika Construction
- Thoroseal
- Tnemec
- Watersaver
- Xypex Chemical Corporation
- Adeka Ultraseal Waterstops
- Cetco Building Materials Group
- Fernco, Inc.
- Press-Seal Gasket Corporation
Recommended Reading
- Pfannschmidt, Ernst Erik. Fountains and Springs. 1968.
- Moore, Charles W. and Jane Lidz. Water + Architecture. 1994.
- Symmes, Marilyn. Fountains Splash and Spectacle. 1998.
- Process Architecture. Aquascapes – Water in Japanese Landscape Architecture. 1990.
- Hirota, Haruo (ed). Aquascapes II – Water in Japanese Landscape Architecture. 1990.
- North Light Books. Contemporary Japanese Landscape. 1989.
- Sanfilippo, Mario and Francesco Venturi. Fountains of Rome. 1996.
- Toy, Maggie (ed). Architecture and Water (Architectural Design Profile). 1995.
- Aurand, C. Douglas. Fountains and Pools. 1991.
- Lehrman, Jonas Benzion. Earthly Paradise: Garden and Courtyard in Islam. 1980.
- Campbell, Craig S. Water in Landscape Architecture. 1978.
- Wylson, Anthony. Aquatecture: Architecture and Water. 1987.
- Dreiseitl, Herbert, Dieter Grau, and Karl Ludwig (eds). Water